Weight Loss

New Life Weight Loss

Weight loss is a commonly desired goal for many. Age-related changes in the body and slowing metabolism can make losing weight difficult and frustrating. Our office partners with our patients to aid in their weight loss endeavors. We accomplish this by administering a weekly peptide injection in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise 

This peptide works by mimicking a hormone called GLP-1 that targets areas in the brain that regulate appetite and food intake. This peptide also helps in blood sugar control which is especially helpful for diabetic and pre-diabetic patients. The peptide slows the stomach emptying and causes your pancreas to release insulin additionally it blocks a hormone that causes your liver to release sugar.  Together, these functions can help you feel less hungry, causing you to consume less food thereby resulting in weight loss. Using Semaglutide, in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, can be greatly beneficial in your weight loss journey. Call our office to schedule your weight loss consultation and see if this treatment is the right option for you.